People at the heart of any business

Building better companies is only possible by having a great team of people. It is important to know what drives people. People are essential to any business. They can make or break any business. We help in ensuring that people are the added value they deserve to be.

What do we do

Employment & Labour Law
In corporation with our law practice we will help you in understanding the labour laws covering everything from benefits and wages to discrimination and harassment. We provide information about Dutch employment laws and regulations and how employers should comply with them.

We set up labour contracts according to the latest standards. Our legal practice will set up contracts and we will help you in utilizing them within your organization.

Changing the business
Collective redundancies, salary and paid holidays cut backs, ending the bonus scheme: these are all possible measures taken by employers due to the economic crisis. Measures which almost always (have to be) taken in consultation with trade unions and/or the Works Council (OR). Involvement of and contribution by the Works Council, as the representative of the employees within the company, is now more important than ever. We help in participating in the decision making process.

Works Council
The Works Council is an important stakeholder. We strongly believe that a Works Council is essential for maintaining a check and balance system in any business. Dutch law has recognized this by giving the Works Council rights. This is clear from case law. We help both business management and Works Council in understanding their rights.

Our advice to each Works Council is to seriously exercise these rights. The employer may, moreover, take advantage of a Works Council that seriously utilizes the opportunities of the Works Council Act (WOR). After all, a proposal made by the employer which is endorsed by the Works Council has support in the company so that implementation of for example the above unpopular measures is easier.

Illness rates can tell much about an organization. It actually is a good business health indicator. We assist in setting up programs to minimize illness rates.