Evolve is committed to providing and maintaining so far as reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy environment for all employees, contractors and visitors. Our teams are encouraged to play a vital and responsible role in our aim to fully integrate health and safety into all aspects of our activities through a process of continuous improvement.
We recognize that as an aviation and defense business we have many direct and indirect risks with regards to health and safety matters. Our safety policy focuses on ensuring that Evolve effectively manages its legal, moral and economic duties. This means that we will maintain a safe and healthy working environment and we will control health and safety risks arising from our work activities. We will provide adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for employees and we will consult with our employees on health and safety issues. We will also ensure employees are competent to do their tasks. We will communicate effectively on health and safety with contractors and stakeholders. We will allocate clear responsibilities for health and safety. Last but not least we will provide sufficient resources to ensure the success of this policy.
We encourage all employees to cooperate on health and safety matters and to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others. We ask all employees to report health and safety to their line manager or safety representative and to not interfere with anything provided to safeguard health and safety. Last but not least we encourage employees to make constructive suggestions or comments on how health and safety performance can be improved.